Extra, Extra

Do you ever wish you could uncomplicate relationships? Not specific to romantic relationships, but just... in general?
So that when you tell someone, "I'm irritated with my roommate because he/she was up drinking all night with his/her visiting friends and they were singing loud drinking songs at 12.15 am," people will react objectively? They can tell you what they really think or if you're just whinging. Because it doesn't matter if they offend you, or your roommate, or have complete shit advice, because they don't know you well enough for it to matter.
Maybe it's not a desire for some relationships to be uncomplicated; that is inaccurate. I am always grateful for the people I know well enough that they understand exactly what I mean (even when all I do is garble at them) and their continuing support.
There is just a... craving, maybe? A desire? To talk to someone who knows nothing about you or your life and likely will never care. They can keep you in line, prevent you from wallowing in the depths of your own misery.
Real friends are great, but it's harder for them to blow you off.
What if you need someone to slap you in the face like that? Cause you're sick of yourself?
I need a stash of objective, replaceable conversationalists.

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1 Response
  1. Do you need a slap in the face? I wish I could be there to slap you in the face. Then I would actually get to touch you! Also, I'm a bit peeved at roommates who think they live alone and can be so obnoxious so late at night...grrr. Hope you are well.