
You know people say it's impossible to touch your elbow with your tongue?
And then they say that 70 % of people who read the above statement will go off and try it?
I have been sitting here for hours pretending to study for my micro final which is now in... 2 hours, extremely unmotivated to study.
But guess what? I can touch my tongue to my elbow!
Pretty legit, right?
But only on my left side.

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3 Responses
  1. So my first thought on reading the title was: "...Not a toaster?"

    Hi, by the way! :)

  2. I put myself in the 70 % category just now and I've ended up in the majority bin--I am unable to meet tongue with elbow. At least, I think that's the majority; maybe I'm just justifying my own failure to be flexible in strange ways?

    Regardless, I hope all is well in the land of Oz, and that you are at the center of this 'wellness.'

    Oh, and, any pictures of your tongue-to-olecranon feat (I looked that up on wikipedia)?